We are predominantly a private training gym: I help men and women with weight training on a one-to-one basis in the privacy of our exclusive gym in an effort to transform their physiques and increase strength. But on top of this I really like to advocate seasonal eating and a greener lifestyle, which I find goes hand-in-hand with transforming your body, and I call this the 'Healthier, Happier, Greener' lifestyle.
Getting in better shape is a fantastic decision towards having a healthier lifestyle, but I believe the process should also make you happy. Eating in tune with the seasons, reconnecting with nature, learning new skills and bringing the outdoors into your own home will be healthy for you, be better for our planet and in turn make you so much happier in yourself. Follow and join us in our ever-progressing endeavour for a healthier, happier and greener lifestyle here at ForestFit... Everyone who has the ForestFit eBook ‘Healthier, Happier, Greener: A Taste Of The Seasons’ will know that I always ask myself 3 simple questions for almost all my actions... 1/ “Will it make me healthy? 2/ Does it make me happy? 3/ Is it ‘green’ for the planet?” This can be applied to decisions regarding your meals, but also all of your actions! Take your first steps toward a HEALTHIER, HAPPIER, GREENER lifestyle with my recipe eBook, 'A Taste of the Seasons’. 12 recipes, one dish to represent each month of the year, showing you how you can eat healthier, more nutritious and mouth-watering, tasty food! Food enjoyed within its natural season and grown closer to your home is more nutritious, tastes far better and is greener for the planet. Together, we can enlighten ourselves on what can be grown here in the UK (or wherever in the world you are!), helping support local farmers so that we can prepare, serve and eat fresher, tastier food! In some cases you may even be tempted to grow your own, which would be even more of a ‘happy’ bonus! We grow lots of our own food and it definitely helps me with my fitness-goals. Having the same foods available all year round is actually unnatural, but consumers’ demands mean that our food travels for miles and miles as it is flown in from all around the world so that our supermarkets are consistently stocked with the same range all throughout the year. But it can be so much more exciting than that! Through Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter nature offers us a different selection of homegrown items, so let’s make it our task to find out what is growing each season and each month, learn new and exciting recipes, and benefit from a lot more vitamins, minerals and good quality protein!
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